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Walmart Chile moves forward with Data Science: Enhancing demand forecasting with INNSPIRAL

Walmart Chile moves forward with Data Science: Enhancing demand forecasting with INNSPIRAL
Find out how Walmart Chile, supported by INNSPIRAL's Binnario, revolutionized its inventory management through the innovative 'Demand Prediction Challenge for Promotions,' gathering data scientists from around the world to optimize merchandise allocation in its retail stores.

Today, there is a multitude of data available at the enterprise level, yet only a fraction of it is leveraged for business benefit. Simultaneously, there is a variety of specialized talent in data science that can support companies in gaining an advantage from this data. This formed the basis of Walmart Chile’s request to Binnario from INNSPIRAL. The retailer aimed to achieve a substantial improvement in how general merchandise was allocated in its retail stores.

Walmart Chile established the “Demand Prediction Challenge for Promotions,” calling upon hundreds of data scientists from Chile and abroad to solve a real, predefined problem through the Binnario platform. Of these, only 3 teams were selected in a tough competition, facing a Committee that included Logistics and Supply Chain Managers and VPs from the retailer, to continue working with the retailer. Joint work methodology and rewards were designated.

In just 6 weeks, nearly 400 teams of data scientists – who typically tackle other types of challenges – submitted their solutions on the Binnario platform from INNSPIRAL. Thus, Walmart Chile gained access to excellent digital teams in data science. Experts from 9 countries around the world joined the challenge. The 3 challenge winners were integrated into the operations of Walmart Chile.

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