Join the Team

At INNSPIRAL, we prioritize the professional development of our team. Our dedication, transparency, and continuous improvement are reflected in a career plan designed for the growth and success of our team members. This applies to the three pillars of performance: business, technology, or design.

INNSPIRAL Career path

  • Trainee

    A part-time program aimed at students from various disciplines in their final semester at university.

    The main responsibility of the Trainee is to assist and actively collaborate with innovation consultants at all levels in the development of projects.

  • Analyst

    From day one, the Analyst is immersed in projects, engaging with senior executives of client companies, applying the defined work methodology in coordination with the rest of the team, and providing support to various internal and external projects.

  • Developer

    After about 2 years of training, the Analyst is promoted to Developer. During this period, they actively collaborate in transforming the business vision into a concrete product and integrate into a fixed team for a specific project.

  • Leader

    At this level, the role is strategic. The Leader’s mission is to lead or co-lead the team or project in daily work, undertaking the necessary management to leverage and enhance the capabilities of each team member.

  • Specialist or Project Manager

    At this stage, the primary responsibility is to fully lead projects and a team of innovation consultants.

    Additionally, the Project Manager holds a comprehensive understanding of the business and engages in consultative sales processes with large corporations.

  • Partner

    At this level, having navigated through all career development stages successfully, the primary responsibility is to guide and supervise projects led by Project Managers.

    The Partner serves as the representative of INNSPIRAL in commercial and corporate strategy and is a mentor in innovation for consultants at earlier stages.

    Let's talk about what's on your mind

    Write to us to talk about your project and we will respond as soon as possible.